Detox Chewing Gum created by Drugsmart gives you 45 minutes immediate saliva detox & protection, 100% money back guarantee, 3 uses in each packet with a zip lock seal in peppermint flavour. For best results, do not use drugs or alcohol 24-38 hours proceeding test. DO NOT SWALLOW GUM. NOT TO BE USED FOR POISONING OR OVERDOSES.
Drugsmart Detox Chewing Gum is designed to be a quick and discreet way to help eliminate drug and toxin residue that is often found in small amounts in the saliva following drug use. These trace amounts are what can be detected in drug tests even well after the psychoactive effects of the drug have worn off. Detox gum is specifically designed to bind with these residual amounts in the saliva lowering the overall level of detectable elements in the saliva.
DISCLAIMER: DO NOT under any circumstances undertake any task that may be compromised whilst under the influence of drugs/alcohol, this includes driving a motor vehicle or operating machinery.
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